Project details

To build the capacity of Mongolian higher education in the area of energy efficient buildings, the project consists of five partner universities, and five main stages. From Mongolian side, with an aim to develop strong higher educational base in the above-mentioned area of study, German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology (GMIT), Mongolian University of Life Sciences (MULS), and Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) are participating. In addition, Lund University from Sweden and Tallinn University from Estonia are collaborating in the project, as these universities have well-established experience on the field of renewable energy and energy efficient buildings.
The project is divided into five main stages with each university having the lead in one of the work packages, as detailed below.

  • Work Package 1: Analysis of Needs Coordinator – MUST

Analysis of needs by surveys together with relevant stakeholders and authorities. Surveys and contacts are used that involves e.g. the syndicate of engineers, construction companies, and real estate owners. This will help to quantify future need for trained specialists in the field and identify specific important areas of interest

  • Work Package 2: Development of courses and Experiment stations Coordinator – Lund University

The development includes structure, admission, courses, graduation requirements, and installation, testing and calibration of the purchased equipment. Courses are included in Masters or Bachelor programs. The courses are developed together with the European partners.

  • Work Package 3: Quality Assurance Plan Coordinator – Tallinn University

Creation of effective operational groups

Student and teacher surveys after finishing each course

  • Work Package 4: Dissemination and Exploitation Coordinator – GMIT

Web-site at each partner university

Information about mobility of some students who can do part of their studies at EU institutions

Dissemination information days at each partner university. Engagement from both EU and the local university.

Demonstration of laboratory training stations at each partner university. 

Development of Dissemination and Exploitation plan

  • Work Package 5: Management and Operational Structures Coordinator – Lund University

A Head Coordinator, a Management Team, an Administrative Team (AT) will manage the project and the Consortium Team, including all partners, will operate the project.

As part of the project goal, GMIT is now offering six new courses along with laboratory equipment related to the field of Energy Efficient Buildings, in order to prepare engineers and scientists that has the knowledge to mitigate air pollution in Mongolia.

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